Name: Inner Fire
Author: R.L Stedman
Number of Pages: 266
Publisher: Waverly Productions
Date Published: October 28th, 2014
Source: Was given to me by the publisher and author
Rate: 3.8/5
Maybe it would be better if I started at the beginning.’ Gran watched me carefully. ‘This ability we have; my mother, me. You. We draw heat along our bodies; anger makes us flame.’
When her friend is assaulted, Corinne Peterson can’t help reacting. But she didn’t think and now her hands are burnt, Gran is coming to look after her and, scariest of all, strange men are watching her house. Could they be terrorists? Secret agents?
It seems that Gran’s idea of a solution is to introduce Corinne to Rowan. Okay, sure, maybe eighteen year old Rowan is gorgeous – but he has his own troubles. And right now, Corinne doesn’t need complications in her life.
But in a world of surveillance and secrecy, complexity is inevitable. And as the tension mounts Corinne realizes - maybe Gran can help her, after all.
Warning: contains coarse language and sexual references
[Summary taken from GoodReads] [Amazon]
Hey guys..goodness it has been awhile since I last did a review. Dang school for being my first priorities. I am glad to be back though!
So story time (cuz we all love those), I came across this book and was really interested in it, I loved the story line and the concept of the book. So me being I looked around and all of a sudden I was sent this book by the Author/Publisher. I was so, so, so excited!! I mean, I am pretty sure I sped my way home when my mom called and told me a package arrived!
Inner Fire literally took me an hour to read, I sat down at my school's cafe and I just devoured it. I guess that means I like it.
Corinne is definitely special, although she views her gift as a curse. I personally liked Corinne, I liked her did not love her. Corinne came off as a strong character yet was also very weak...and it seemed she liked to complain a lot. She definitely has a lot of inner dialogue. When Corinne was younger there was a series of earthquakes that caused her power to become pronounced. Ever since that catastrophic day she has hated her power, and her parents are also not lover's of this gift either.
The only one who understands is her great Gran, who is a very paranoid old women. In attempts to save her friend Corinne ends up burning her hand and a whole investigation goes down. Causing Corinne to pick up and leave to her grandmother's for awhile, although she hates it. Until she meets Rowan, the grandson of Gran's lover man.
I must say I loved Rowan he was really straight forward about what he wanted, and he definitely wanted Corinne. He was very chill about every thing. That is where the first problem of this book comes in, the romance. Now you all know me I love me my romances. This romance, however, was way to fast. As in the meet and then literally two hours later they are going at it like rabbits. SELF CONTROL PEOPLE!!!
Inner Fire was definitely a very fast paced young adult novel. While I did like it, it created problems. There was not enough depth in the book, it gave the background story needed. Yet it was missing something. Then there was the little problem with the tiny random details that really did not need to be added. I looked over that.
Finally to my main point, the character's. I did not personally connect with any of them. I felt that they were not developed enough. I loved their personalities, just not their back stories. Where is the life, the realism?
All in all Inner Fire did light a fire within me. It was action packed, the romance was steamy, the drama was great, the British terminology was pretty great, and Gran's quotes are honestly the greatest. I would suggest picking up this book, but first borrow it from a friend or even rent it :) before picking it up!
Good To Be Back my Homies!!!!
xx Kat xx
I might try and get hold of this one at the library :-)
ReplyDeleteI am an old follower but have just moved my blog to Wordpress and would love a new follow please :-)
I definitely would! Of course I shall pay you a visit!
Deletexx Kat xx