Monday, September 8, 2014

Rambling Monday!!! (#1)

Hey guys so I know there are hundreds of book meme's out there and I am probably 1 in a 1000. But I have created a meme called Rambling Monday. Which is pretty much a rant about what you are reading, your blog posts, movies related to books, what is annoying you in the book world, etc. We all need to rant, what better timing then Monday's? You can really do whatever you want with it! BE CREATIVE, it is your post! You can do it once a week, twice, or just once a month.

I just ask few things:
1. Enter you link on the post, it will be open all week
2. Please link back to this post or the blog
3. Visit others who have linked!

I have made a cute little button so go ahead and take it, or if you want to 
create your own that is fine to!

So I just saw If I Stay this last Saturday, with my boyfriend. Hehe yes I convinced him to go. I can tell you guys right now I have never cried so much in my life! I mean I thought Marley and Me was a crying session but oh no I was wrong. There was only two guys in the theater, my boyfriend one of the two. The rest were all girls, at dead silence you could hear quite sobs in the back of the theater. Then all of a sudden every single one of us was sobbing uncontrollably, there was no holding back either. I think we created an ocean with our tears. On a serious note it was such a great movie, so heart warming and a real tear jerker.

On another note I am reading the Throne of Glass #1 and it is driving me up a wall... a good wall. The characters are ugh...and Celeana, I just love her and her attitude. I honestly just want to be an assassin!! I am only a little ways through but I am already in love, is it possible to follow in love with a book, because I have.

Has anyone ever had a lot of trouble with writing reviews. It is almost like writers block, but worse in its own way. I sat at my desk, when I  probably should have been doing homework, thinking of some way to write a review on a book I had just finished reading. I think I sat there for a good two hours before winging it, but then I didn't like it so I just redid it. I am so weird.

I hope you all have a great week!!

xx Kat xx

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I'm glad If I Stay was such a good film, if I go to see it I"ll be sure to pack plenty of tissues.
    Depending on how I feel about a book, writing a review can be a surprisingly slow process. The worst offenders I those books I liked but didn't love, the middle-of-road books.

  2. You're not weird at all, writing reviews can be a headache sometimes. Sometimes it takes me hours and hours. Sometimes I just sit there, staring at my screen until I give up and do something else.

    I enjoyed If I Stay, but I definitely preferred the book to the movie.

    I LOVE Throne of Glass, I can't get enough of that series. I need the 4th book so bad, no idea how I am going to be able to wait until next year.

    1. I am really liking the book because I honestly thought I was not going to like it. I guess I always heard mixed reviews on it, but I am glad it did not deter me to get the book :)
