Name: Brisingr (Inheritance #3)
Author: Christopher Paolini
Number of Pages: 759
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf
Date Published: September 20th, 2008
Source: Review (Bought)
Rate: 3.5/5
Oaths sworn... loyalties tested... forces collide.
It's been only months since Eragon first uttered "brisingr", an ancient language term for fire. Since then, he's not only learned to create magic with words — he's been challenged to his very core. Following the colossal battle against the Empires warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still, there is more adventure at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep.
First is Eragon's oath to his cousin, Roran: to help rescue Roran's beloved from King Galbatorix's clutches. But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too. The Varden are in desperate need of his talents and strength — as are the elves and dwarves. When unrest claims the rebels and danger strikes from every corner, Eragon must make choices — choices that will take him across the Empire and beyond, choices that may lead to unimagined sacrifice.
Eragon is the greatest hope to rid the land of tyranny. Can this once simple farm boy unite the rebel forces and defeat the king?
[Summary taken from GoodReads]
Although I loved the first two to the series. I can honestly say that this one was not my favorite. It is still really good, but there were a few problems that I needed to overcome and I did not like it one bit.
Eragon has grown into an amazing man. He is not as arrogant as he was in the first or second, he is a man. I liked how he planned out and made decisions in Brisingr. Although they were still spontaneous, he is not just running around trying to get killed. The bond between him and Saphira were stronger, there relationship grew as well as their love for each other - a true dragon rider and dragon relationship.
However no matter how much I loved the character development and relationship between the dragon and her dragon rider. It can not excuse the problems I had.
I found it impeccably difficult to keep track of what was going on Brisingr. Paolini has created more than two switches of point of views. Which honestly, I have never heard of. I got sick of switching from Eragon's point of view, to Roran's, to the another chick, and then it even switched to Saphira's point of view. I mean come one!! How can I keep track of that many character's at once? I can't! I couldn't even keep track of the information that was being thrown at me.
There was a lot more action in this book than the rest. Which I give an A+, because that is what this book is about - adventure and war. However, I found it a little boring in some areas rather than others. In certain parts there was long dialogue that was unnecessary, and in other parts there really was not a lot going on. Also the supernatural tug of war that was going on was a little over done. I understand that Eragon is a needed man but that was not even the main point of the story, so I don't believe it needed to be so pronounced.
Just one more quick thing - what the heck Eragon and Arya! The attraction is driving me over the wall, just smooch and be done with it...enough said.
Read On!
xx Kat xx
P.s. Dear Paolini,
Why the heck did you make this into another book. This book could have been the last one like planned, but no. You just had to make the character development prolong more than it should. Not cool man, not cool.
Although I loved Eragon and Eldest, I have to agree with you that I found this book a little boring at points, and I very nearly didn't bother with the last book in the series because of it. I'm glad I did though, because things pick up a bit more in Inheritance, and it was definitely worth a read!
ReplyDeleteGreat review!